Sunday, December 24, 2023

Các nguyên lý cơ bản khi thiết kế 1 REST API


REST (Representational State Transfer): là 1 cách thức để viết 1 API cho web service, 1 service đáp ứng các ràng buộc này được gọi là RESTful

REST không phải là standard, protocol.


So với các cách viết API khác: RPC, SOAP, HATEOAS, REST dễ đọc, hiểu, trực quan


  • Url style:
    • Rõ ràng, dễ đọc, hiểu, dễ gõ và dễ chia ser
    • Chữ thường (lower case)
    • Sử dụng chữ, số, "-" và "_". Không dùng ký tự đặc biệt trừ 
    • Sử dụng "-" để phân tách các từ trên url:
    • Sử dụng danh từ hơn động từ
  • Url structure
    • parameter:
      • dạng key=value
      • phân cách các tham số bằng dấu "&"
      • nếu muốn truyền list: lặp key nhiều lần
    • POST: create
    • GET: read
    • PUT: update
    • DELETE: delete
  • Use HTTP status code for response:
    • 1xx informational response – request từ client đã được ghi nhận, đang xử lý
    • 2xx successful – yêu cầu được tiếp nhận, xử lý thành công
    • 3xx redirection – yêu cầu được chuyển tiếp, lái luồng
    • 4xx client error – Yêu cầu không đủ thông tin / hợp lệ / sai định dạng để servẻ có thể xử lý
    • 5xx server error – Yêu cầu hợp lệ, nhưng server bị lỗi ko xử lý được
  • Các HTTP status code thường dùng
    • 200: yêu cầu xử lý thành công
    • 400: Yêu cầu không hợp lệ: sai định dạng, cấu trúc, tham số ....
    • 401: Yêu cầu hợp lệ nhưng cần đăng nhập để xác thực client
    • 403: Yêu cầu hợp lệ, client đã xác thực nhưng không có quyền
    • 500: Yêu cầu hợp lệ nhưng server xử lý bị lỗi

Monday, April 11, 2022

OAuth 2.0


OAuth Provider:

Known as OAuthe server or authorization server, consists of:
  • an authentication component: login page and identity provider
  • a component for requesting the authenticated user's consent for delegation of access rights to the client.
  • a token-management infrastructure: such as database...

Resource Provider

The resource provider makes a protected resource available. The resource may be data or service and is often offered in the form of a web API, which in turn offers the protected data.   

Resource Owner

The resource owner is the owner of the protected resource. The resource owner delegates his access rights to the third party (the Client). Through this delegation the resource owner allow third party to access his data.


The client is an application that attempts to access protected resource in behave of resource owner.


An OAuth endpoint is a Restful service with a defined behavior and address

Authorization Endpoint

 Is a service offered by the OAuth Provider. It authenticates the resource owner using any typical authentication method, such as username and password. After authentication, the resource owner is explicitly asked to confirm the delegation of his access rights for the protected resources. The authentication endpoint sends a confirmation of the authentication and of the access delegation to the redirect endpoint. This confirmation is call an authentication code.

Token Endpoint

Is a service offered by the OAuth Provider,  it produces OAuth tokens, namely access tokens and refresh tokens and return them in form of a JSON object to the requester.
Clients have to register with the OAuth provider in order to receive a ClientID and a ClientSecret. The client registration is not part of the token endpoint.

Redirect Endpoint

Is a service offered by the client. The response produced by the authentication endpoint is sent to redirect endpoint. The redirect endpoint is not called directly, but indirectly by a HTTP-redirect command.
When Client received authentication code, it will make a request to the Token Endpoint to get OAuth tokens.

OAuth Tokens

Access token

Access tokens are used by client to access resources. OAuth Access tokens are bearer tokens. The holder of the tokens has the access rights associated with the tokens. The identity of the holder of the token is not checked any further.

Refresh token

The refresh token has a period of validity that is longer than access token. It can be used to request a new access token after access token has expired.

Authorization code

Authorization code is created after the resource owner successfully authorization and delegation his rights. The validity of the authorization code is usually limited to a couple of minutes. This is just enough time for client use authorization code to request an access token from the token endpoint.

Token attributes

OAuth Flows

Authorization Code Flow

First-time flow contains the following steps
  • Get authorization code: The client request an authorization code from authorization endpoint.

  • Get token: The client using authorization code to request the tokens from the token endpoint.

  • Access protected resource: The client using access token to access resource from the resource provider.
Second-time when client access resource but access token expired then refresh token is used to get new access token from token endpoint.

Implicit Flow

The implicit flow contains flowing steps:
  • Get token: the client requests the tokens from authorization endpoint.

  • Access protected resource: similar above.

Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow

The resource owner password credentials flow contains following steps:
  • Get token: The client requests the tokens from token endpoint.

  • Access protected resource

Client Credentials Flow

The client credentials flows contains following steps
  • Get token: The clients requests the tokens from token endpoint
  • Access protected resource

Các nguyên lý cơ bản khi thiết kế 1 REST API

What? REST (Representational State Transfer): là 1 cách thức để viết 1 API cho web service, 1 service đáp ứng các ràng buộc này được gọi là ...